Source code for cattrs.preconf.msgspec

"""Preconfigured converters for msgspec."""

from __future__ import annotations

from base64 import b64decode
from datetime import date, datetime
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Callable, TypeVar, Union, get_type_hints

from attrs import has as attrs_has
from attrs import resolve_types
from msgspec import Struct, convert, to_builtins
from msgspec.json import Encoder, decode

from cattrs._compat import (
from cattrs.dispatch import UnstructureHook
from cattrs.fns import identity

from ..converters import BaseConverter, Converter
from ..gen import make_hetero_tuple_unstructure_fn
from ..strategies import configure_union_passthrough
from ..tuples import is_namedtuple
from . import wrap

T = TypeVar("T")

__all__ = ["MsgspecJsonConverter", "configure_converter", "make_converter"]

[docs]class MsgspecJsonConverter(Converter): """A converter specialized for the _msgspec_ library.""" #: The msgspec encoder for dumping. encoder: Encoder = Encoder()
[docs] def dumps(self, obj: Any, unstructure_as: Any = None, **kwargs: Any) -> bytes: """Unstructure and encode `obj` into JSON bytes.""" return self.encoder.encode( self.unstructure(obj, unstructure_as=unstructure_as), **kwargs )
[docs] def get_dumps_hook( self, unstructure_as: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> Callable[[Any], bytes]: """Produce a `dumps` hook for the given type.""" unstruct_hook = self.get_unstructure_hook(unstructure_as) if unstruct_hook in (identity, to_builtins): return self.encoder.encode return self.dumps
[docs] def loads(self, data: bytes, cl: type[T], **kwargs: Any) -> T: """Decode and structure `cl` from the provided JSON bytes.""" return self.structure(decode(data, **kwargs), cl)
[docs] def get_loads_hook(self, cl: type[T]) -> Callable[[bytes], T]: """Produce a `loads` hook for the given type.""" return partial(self.loads, cl=cl)
[docs]def configure_converter(converter: Converter) -> None: """Configure the converter for the msgspec library. * bytes are serialized as base64 strings, directly by msgspec * datetimes and dates are passed through to be serialized as RFC 3339 directly * enums are passed through to msgspec directly * union passthrough configured for str, bool, int, float and None """ configure_passthroughs(converter) converter.register_unstructure_hook(Struct, to_builtins) converter.register_unstructure_hook(Enum, to_builtins) converter.register_structure_hook(Struct, convert) converter.register_structure_hook(bytes, lambda v, _: b64decode(v)) converter.register_structure_hook(datetime, lambda v, _: convert(v, datetime)) converter.register_structure_hook(date, lambda v, _: date.fromisoformat(v)) configure_union_passthrough(Union[str, bool, int, float, None], converter)
[docs]@wrap(MsgspecJsonConverter) def make_converter(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> MsgspecJsonConverter: res = MsgspecJsonConverter(*args, **kwargs) configure_converter(res) return res
def configure_passthroughs(converter: Converter) -> None: """Configure optimizing passthroughs. A passthrough is when we let msgspec handle something automatically. """ converter.register_unstructure_hook(bytes, to_builtins) converter.register_unstructure_hook_factory(is_mapping, mapping_unstructure_factory) converter.register_unstructure_hook_factory(is_sequence, seq_unstructure_factory) converter.register_unstructure_hook_factory(has, attrs_unstructure_factory) converter.register_unstructure_hook_factory( is_namedtuple, namedtuple_unstructure_factory ) def seq_unstructure_factory(type, converter: Converter) -> UnstructureHook: """The msgspec unstructure hook factory for sequences.""" if is_bare(type): type_arg = Any else: args = get_args(type) type_arg = args[0] handler = converter.get_unstructure_hook(type_arg, cache_result=False) if handler in (identity, to_builtins): return handler return converter.gen_unstructure_iterable(type) def mapping_unstructure_factory(type, converter: BaseConverter) -> UnstructureHook: """The msgspec unstructure hook factory for mappings.""" if is_bare(type): key_arg = Any val_arg = Any key_handler = converter.get_unstructure_hook(key_arg, cache_result=False) value_handler = converter.get_unstructure_hook(val_arg, cache_result=False) else: args = get_args(type) if len(args) == 2: key_arg, val_arg = args else: # Probably a Counter key_arg, val_arg = args, Any key_handler = converter.get_unstructure_hook(key_arg, cache_result=False) value_handler = converter.get_unstructure_hook(val_arg, cache_result=False) if key_handler in (identity, to_builtins) and value_handler in ( identity, to_builtins, ): return to_builtins return converter.gen_unstructure_mapping(type) def attrs_unstructure_factory(type: Any, converter: Converter) -> UnstructureHook: """Choose whether to use msgspec handling or our own.""" origin = get_origin(type) attribs = fields(origin or type) if attrs_has(type) and any(isinstance(a.type, str) for a in attribs): resolve_types(type) attribs = fields(origin or type) if any("_") or ( converter.get_unstructure_hook(attr.type, cache_result=False) not in (identity, to_builtins) ) for attr in attribs ): return converter.gen_unstructure_attrs_fromdict(type) return to_builtins def namedtuple_unstructure_factory( type: type[tuple], converter: BaseConverter ) -> UnstructureHook: """A hook factory for unstructuring namedtuples, modified for msgspec.""" if all( converter.get_unstructure_hook(t) in (identity, to_builtins) for t in get_type_hints(type).values() ): return identity return make_hetero_tuple_unstructure_fn( type, converter, unstructure_to=tuple, type_args=tuple(get_type_hints(type).values()), )